Tuesday 21 June 2011

4 Symptoms Of Porn Addiction

Northern Swingers  Online Dating     While it may seem obvious what the symptoms of porn addiction are there is a fine line between a harmless habit and a damaging addiction. By definition porn addiction is behavioral and does not have a chemical induced high like cigarettes and other drugs but it is classed as a proper addiction when it become apparent to the addict that his habit is damaging to his life and to the people around him, but he still continues doing this habit despite full knowledge of its impact. So to really target warning signs that can points to a damaging addiction here are a few common symptoms.
  • 1. Preoccupation: A preoccupation with sex and pornography are the most obvious symptoms of addiction but more than just being preoccupied is when that preoccupation comes at the cost of other interests and social engagements. When a person is continually thinking about such things, talking about them or planning things associated with their habit at the exclusion of other important things this becomes an addictive behavior.
  • 2. Loss of Control: While this is a broad term it can refer to time, money and other quantifiable things. When one is addicted to something they lose themselves in it and lose track of time and spend more money than they would usually be comfortable with on their habit and despite feelings of guilt about it later will continue to repeat t his habit to their dismay. When despite your best intentions you lose control of aspects of your life to your addiction over and again this is a definite sign of porn addiction
  • 3. Neglect: Neglect is often how addiction are discovered in others. When an addict neglects their friends, partner, children, pets or duties they should perform the addiction has dug so deep it has replaced what they previously counted as priorities in their life with this addiction. Addicts typically will deny this neglect until they realize they have a problem but most of the time even if they feel guilty with this new knowledge they still continue to succumb to their habit.
  • 4. Negative Triggers: When you go to porn there is often a reason behind it. Sometimes it is simply a habit at a certain time of day but often it is caused by a negative trigger. When you feel stressed, lonely, anxious, angry or other such emotions if the computer and porn is your first port of call to find an outlet for these emotions you are fueling your addiction and porn and masturbation became the solution to problems in your life just as porn addiction makes problems in your life creating a self fulfilling addiction which can be very hard to shake as most addicts cannot see he link between these two things until it is too late.
While some people want to know if simply finding porn on someone computer is a sign of a problem the real symptoms of porn addiction are psychological and porn itself is not the cause but simply an outlet just as others may become addicted to gambling, alcohol, drugs and other vices. Look deeper than the outer layer of porn to find real addiction. This is also a vital tool in coming to terms with addiction and also to curing addiction because giving up on porn is more about your own psychological problems than with the porn itself.
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